Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ancient Arts Arete

Derek on Ancient Arts Arete (V11) at Wuthering Heights.

Not too much news to report from the weekend. Most people were still licking thier wounds from the bouldering/dyno comp at the Roxx the night before. For more info take a look at Stu's report on the nights action.

After a late start Sebastian, Jase and I headed up to the Split Apple field at Flock Hill. After warming up on a few classics we found a bunch of new(ish) problems. Take a look at the Flock Hill Guide for more info. The highlight of the day was some progress by Sebastian on an old prow spied and brushed by JP back in the day that we believe still remains a project. The stand start went at about V8 and the sit start looks like it will go at about V10. Stay tuned for more details...


Anonymous said...

Wicked, what grade is Ancient Arts Arete?

Buffy said...

Not sure. Derek?

Derek said...

around V11, as with everything else it will have to wait until some of you strong lads get on it.

Anonymous said...

wow. was hoping it would be easier! nice job. d.

Anonymous said...

and the problem to the left?

Derek said...

The obvious line to the left is a project, just to my left (4 feet from left hand) are two pockets, it is a project to dyno from them up and right to sloping ledge. On the edge of photo is a 5.

Buffy said...

On the huge boulder in the back ground is a classic 3 star crack which goes at about V2. It used to have a massive side pull at the start but I ripped it off and did a 2m backsplat barely missing the rock platform (and the matt)! Good problem though. ;-)

Anonymous said...

cheers derek.

dan, well aware of that problem as jp got sandy to boulder up to half height in bare feet with NO mat so he could grab a shot on the Holga.

Buffy said...

Rad - nice one sandy.

Mark Watson said...

Buffy, whose is that photo of Derek on the AA Arete? and can i use it in the mag?
any chance you could email me a hi-res version?