New V11 at Flock Hill
Pete the Radness has sent the famed project Sharma's Prow,which now belongs to Pete and is called Interstellar Overdrive and is fat at V11. Good job Pete! In case you were all wondering, yes, he did campus it.
In other news James Morris managed a stylish repeat of a recent Pete problem Lost for Words V9. James didn't like the mono so much so he moved off the sloper... well you would wouldn't you?
That Sharma prow was originally JP's. He brushed it up YEARS ago, where it has been waiting until...well, Pete.
Actually that is disputed, hence 'everyone's project'. Derek claims it is the first thing he ever brushed on his first ever day at Flock Hill and has been waiting for Sharma to do it ever since (with some tries in between). I guess all that is irrelevant now that Pete has done it, but definitely a groundbreaking problem with some heritage.
fight fight fight... wasn't someone talking of bringing back duels, or was that just my imagination?
I agree. No matter who the original brusher was, mad props to Pete for busting it out. Good job yo!
i reckon peter is better than sharma.
You might be alone on that one Dave, but thanks all the same : )
Maybe if Peter started to use his feet he'd have a shot at being 'better' than somebody...
hey!, there's like 10 hand moves on that problem and I only didn't use my feet for 1 of them (and the top out), and... I have crap technique I don't know where I was going with that...
remember boone speed's answer to dale goddard re lack of technique...
Don't worry Pete, I have no technique either, plus I'm actually least you don't have to worry about that.
I was with the person who brushed the problem in the first place I remember plan as day, the thought of it made my elbows ache. The point is neither of them climbed it. pete your amazing. stoked that its gone down.
nice portrait buffy
dont know about the name though? I vote we rename it.
The brushing of the problem was at the start of the prow dynasty. the prow dynasty was eventually over thrown by something alot more deviant.
Sure you can rename it, just go back in time and send it first...
A well brushed problem then! Good job Pete.
how is the bouldering in june? what are the temps?
Cold, some snow, but on a good day you can get the best conditions ever!
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